
Showing posts from February, 2023

How do we talk about issues that matter?

 There is many different ways in which this question can be interpreted but how do we actually talk about the things that matter with others without offending or disrespecting others? I feel like this is a very contreverisal question becuase one can say there ever isnt a right way to talk about certain things, but also there always is a right way in which things can be talked about. Wether youre talking to a child or an adult about things that are happening out in the real world, one should always look for the right words when bringing up certain subjects with other people regardless of their age. For example, race and equality is a very contreversial topic among everyone. A topic like this is something that needs to be talked about respectfully, you never know when a word or opinion might be taken offensively by others.Many would say that it is best to keep kids away from these type of issues but on the other hand it is a real problem thats been on going for years. In the article ...