What is worth learning?
It is said that we go to school to learn and to educate ourselves for a brighter future and better job. But how much of this is true? How are we expected to educate ourselves if the curriculums are limiting our learning.To answer the compelling question, "What is worth learning?" aside from what the curriculums say we should learn I believe that everything is worth learning. For example, when it comes to black history as mentioned on the null curriculum, its very much restricted and it is being taught one sided. Both teachers and students should be exposed to every side of history in order to grow their knowledge. I connected the compelling question to my Blackout Poem because after reading the "Ending Curriculum Violence" article I personally think that racial violence is not only happening nowadays in the classrooms but it has been happening for several years outside the classrooms. For my Blackout poem I chose words like "harm", "emotional destruc...